Wed 12 Mar
Attractive Female Lead Guitarist/ Writer/ Masseuse-Host/Travel/Hotels ❤️(201) seven two one- six seven three six ❤️bk/manhattan/lakewood/nnj/cnj/shore/ac/long island/staten island/west/hudson
Tue 25 Feb
Mon 27 Jan
Superbly Reviewed * Just $120 hour * All 2 Urself * NuRu * PRosTaTe COMBO (Nuru + Prostate, $160) ** - 27
(North Jersey, 375 Central Ave, E. Orange)
W O R L D · W I D E T r e a t m e n t B y Y o u r S i d e ! - 26
(North Jersey, Short Hills / Union / Millburn)
✴Relax✴ fun times ✴SEXY NEW STAFF✴Early Bird Special!! ✴ 30 MIN //$30. open EARLY***732-666-2971 - 23
(North Jersey, Summit..Millburn)
✴Relax✴ fun times ✴SEXY NEW STAFF✴Early Bird Special!! ✴ 30 MIN //$30. open EARLY***973-379-2269 - 23
(Newark, North Jersey, Summit..Millburn)
!--North Jersey's Best Swedish, Toe Curling Massage---******* - 43
(Newark, North Jersey, outcall or incall exit 137 off parkway)
===== NORTH JERSEY #1--- UNFORGETTABLE ----- ASIAN MASSAGE ++++++ ++++++ +++++ - 25
(North Jersey, CLIFFSIDE PK 201,945,4077)
💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 Lusty LATINAS **Flaming REDHEAD***Open Late💋💋💋💋💋 - 22
(Newark, North Jersey, Summit..Millburn)
◾💚✨💚✨💚✨💚✨💚 GRAND OPNING 💚✨💚✨💚✨💚✨💚 BEST SERIVES 💚✨💚✨💚✨💚✨💚 NEW YOUNG ASIAN Girls 💚✨💚✨💚✨💚✨💚 - 22
(Main ave. Passaic. ☎ 973-472-7777, North Jersey)
★ Limited Time Only ★ Limited Time Only ★ Limited Time Only ★ - 24
(North Jersey, Millburn / Short Hills / Union)
GOrGEOuS T*A*N*T*R A MoDeL Very SeXY & NIcE Fullbody Deep Massage / Intens /HOT TANTRIC - 38
(union rt 22 newark airport linden rahway)
GoT MiLF ??? 💕❤️TAMARA 💕❤️ LEGS FOR MiLES ♥ ( REAL PiX ) ☎ ☎ ☎ ☎ 732.666.2971 - 29
(millburn..short hills, North Jersey)
/////// Grand Opening /////// The Time to Pamper Yourself is Here!..... //////// - 25
(North Jersey, rt 46/ rt 80 exit 48/ near parsippany)
○ Every Man Needs A STRESS RELIEVER ○ Every Man Needs A STRESS RELIEVER ○ - 22
(North Jersey, Short Hills / Union / Millburn)
ERRRRRRROTIC Experience ERRRRRRROTIC Hands Call & Reserve your suite - 23
(North Jersey, Short Hills / Union / Millburn)
∗ D O Y O U B E L I E V E I N M A G I C!! SPECIAL 1HR FOR $60! - 23
(North Jersey, Union / Summit / Near Route 22)
► NEW GIRLS ! NEW STYLES ◄ B e a u t i f u l D E L I G H T F U L Sweet CLASSY - 26
(North Jersey, Secaucus~~~▶▶~~~201-293-4356)
====973 258 1688====Grand Opening====Pretty Young Asain Girl Best is Here====MORRIS AVE MILLBURN==== - 24
(Morris ave Millburn, Newark, North Jersey)
- !! ______ W E _____ K N O W _____ Y O U R _____ P I C K Y ____ !!
(Secausuc, NJ 201-223-2311)
*¨¨* TRY!! TRY!! TRY!!*¨¨* Unforgettable Asian Massage Experience HERE!!! *¨¨*s - 23
(█ 201-770-9900 / SECAUCUS █)
W O R L D · W I D E T r e a t m e n t B y Y o u r S i d e ! - 23
(North Jersey, Union / Millburn / Maplewood)
***SENSATIONAL Bodyrub Experience by BEAUTIFUL GIRLS!*** *$20off w/ad* *973*265*0625*** - 22
(North Jersey, 46,80,280,287 *9732650625*)
✴Relax✴ fun times ✴SEXY NEW STAFF✴Early Bird Special!! ✴ 30 MIN //$30. open EARLY***973-379-2269 - 23
(Newark, North Jersey, Summit..Millburn)
Sun 26 Jan
attractive female lead guitarist/ writer/ masseuse-host/travel/hotels ❤️(201) seven two one- six seven three six ❤️north jersey/lakewood/manhattan/brooklyn/staten island/long island/central je
Sun 12 Jan
@@@ SEXY CHOCOLATE @@@@ ADDICTIVE 28536; EBONY ViXEN #### CALL 973-379-2232 - 23
(millburn, union, morristown, watchung, Newark, North Jersey)
Reserve Now 973-379-2269 *** S W E E T ♥ V I P ♥ S U I T E *** Reserve Now 973-379-2269 - 21
█ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ Amazing W4M Massage by ◆♥☆☆♥◆ Sweet ◆♥☆☆♥◆ Beautiful ◆♥☆☆♥◆ Asian Girls ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ - 25
(North Jersey, Bloomfield Ave, Montclair 973-783-5313)
colombian attendants !!973 277 6665!! This is the Gentleman spa you been looking !heaven - 25
(North Jersey, Route 3/17/21/46 meadolans)
▂☺☻▂▃▃▂☺☻ 〓✦BRAND NEW ✦〓🔴💥 AMAZING 💥 🔴 THE BEST ☺☻✦🍫✦☺☻ 1000% YOUNG&HOT;☺☻✦🍫✦☺FANTASTIC NURU▂☺☻ - 21
(North Jersey, Passaic main ave 💋NO.1 Asian Spa in NJ)
❤❤ 100% REAL PICS ❤ NEW IN TOWN ❤❤ Exclusive ❤ Asian Girls are Ready for ACTION! Body2Body PLAY ❤ - 25
(North Jersey, ❤ Edgewater ❤ Open to Late ❤)
(973)379-2269 ~ We're Waiting For You ~ Treatment Of a King is ONLY ONE CALL AWAY (973)379-2269 - 22
Experience The Ultimate Comfort And Relaxation In A Discrete and Tranquil Environment - 22
(North Jersey, Millburn)
BONDMASSAGE~The BEST of BOTH Worlds!! Avail NOW Freehold ** Phone/skype sessions** - 36
Sat 11 Jan
☆_☆_☆_☆_SMOKiNG HOT _☆_☆_ADDICTIVE_☆_☆_ EBONY ViXEN _☆_☆ ♡ReAL PiX♡ CALL 862.216.2979 - 23
(incall only millburn / union, North Jersey)
P r i v a t e " J a c u z z i S u i t e " ¨ W i t h ¨ W o m e n ¨ T h a t ¨ A r e ¨ " S w e e t " - 25
(North Jersey, Millburn / Maplewood / Union)
@@@ SEXY CHOCOLATE @@@@ ADDICTIVE 28536; EBONY ViXEN #### CALL 973-379-2232 - 23
(millburn, union, morristown, watchung, Newark, North Jersey)
MASSAGE-O-RAMA 2DaY OnlY!! Beautiful AMERICAN & LATINA MaSsEuSeS Fantastic Specials NOW! - 26
(North Jersey, Rt. 46 WEST TOTOWA/WAYNE NJ 973-785-8586)
*Jefferson Spa & SaunaN E WM A N A G E M E N T N E WStyles P r e t ty Girls ★$60/1H - 24
(North Jersey, Lake Hopatcong★★973-663-2000)
Saturday NIGHT SPECIAL 7 to 10PM....Brazilian and Latin Bodyrub Call Us 201-921-9434
(North Jersey, Near GWB)
P r i v a t e " J a c u z z i S u i t e " ¨ W i t h ¨ W o m e n ¨ T h a t ¨ A r e ¨ " S w e e t " - 25
(North Jersey, Millburn / Maplewood / Union)
Hi, boys, are you looking for a naughty treat?
(Central Jersey, Jersey Shore, North Jersey, South Jersey)
█ █ GRAND OPENING FIRST Class ASIAN Massage *¨¨* *¨¨* FIRST Class PLACE - 23
💥choice of 💥HOTT STAFF💥call now 973.379.2269💥Open late 💥1am💥 - 23
(North Jersey, Short Hills / Union / Millburn)
Fri 10 Jan
★ Limited Time Only ★ Limited Time Only ★ Limited Time Only ★ - 24
(North Jersey, Millburn / Short Hills / Union)
====*====* GRAND OPENING === * ===* NEW ASIAN BODYWORK *===*=== Brand NEW JAPANESE Spa ===*=== - 21
!!!Morning Tension release with Gorgeous staff !!! $30/30 mins 7am-11am (M-F) - 22
(North Jersey, Union / Short hills / millburn)
NiCoLe TRuE RoCK StaR CHiCK! 💥💥 💥💥 RATED 4 StaRS in SpA HunTeRS - caLL Me 862.250.2320 - 24
(North Jersey, Union / Summit/Newark Airport)
♥ American, European, Latina MASSAGE SPECIALS ♥ Outcall/Incall - 28
(North Jersey, Outcalls/Incalls)
~~ Attractive ~~ Attentive ~~ MATURE Woman ~~ let me TEASE you NOW ~~732-666-2971 - 42
(North Jersey, Millburn)
12 Colombians in bikiny! 973 2776665!;))) - 25
(North Jersey, Rutherford.butkey,secaucus3/17/21/46/80)
!!!!!! RUSSIAN DELIGHT !!!!! GREAT EXPERIENCE !!!!! NEW STAFF !!!!! (973) 287-7803 - 25
(North Jersey)
Saneetha– ✨ExotiC INdiAN PriNceSS ✨~AmaZing FULL BoDYRuB ReAL PiXS - CaLL Me 862.250.2320 - 22
(Newark, North Jersey, Union / Short hills / millburn/hillside)
☆_☆_☆_☆_SMOKiNG HOT _☆_☆_ADDICTIVE_☆_☆_ EBONY ViXEN _☆_☆ ♡ReAL PiX♡ CALL 862.216.2979 - 23
(incall only millburn / union, North Jersey)
❤️❤️❤️❤️Fanfanspa 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸young Asian girl💕💕💕💕best body rub💕💕💕💕please call 5512426965💝💝💝💝 - 22
(Edgewater 5512426965 text, North Jersey)
Experience The Ultimate Comfort And Relaxation In A Discrete and Tranquil Environment - 22
(North Jersey, Millburn)
ERRRRRRROTIC Experience ERRRRRRROTIC Hands Call & Reserve your suite - 23
(North Jersey, Short Hills / Union / Millburn)
Different strokes... Sensous delightful massage by adorable transsexual gurl..... - 38
(North Jersey, Bergen county rt 17 rt 80 GSP 163)
ATTENTION U.S. troops special discount w/ your I.D.!! - 26
**♥**Complete Healing Relaxation Bodywork By A Beautiful Mature Woman**♥** - 50
(North Jersey, Roselle, NJ)
Thu 09 Jan