Mon 03 Feb
Mon 27 Jan
!__ *BEING* __!!__ *THIS* __!!__ *THICK* __!!__ *FEELS* __!!__ *SO* __!!__ *GOOD* _! - 24
(nwk airport)
$60 BrAnD sPaNkIn NeW $60 EbOnY gOdDeSs WiTh A pOrN sTaR tWiSt CoMe AnD sPaNk Me BrAnD sPaNkIn NeW60 - 19
$50 CAUTION!! $50 CONTENTS will get yoU *PULL* **IT OUT** **RIGHT* *NOW*$50 - 19
*(( 100% Perfect Pick ))* ((SexXy * ClaSSy)) & ((Always The Best)) BuStY ItaliAn & DuTchPlaymate. . - 24
(Newark airport/ elizabeth)
New in town 🍓🍓🍓 strawberry 🍓🍓🍓🍓💅 - 18
(Elizabeth, linden airport ewr union 1&9, Newark, North Jersey)
EvErYtHiNg U want in 1🎉💯💋💍Let ME cater 2 YOUR every need baby!✨👑💕 in town for a short time! DONT miss out😌😍😘 - 20
(North Jersey, Secaucus meadowlands)
*I'm HoT,WeT & WaiTiNg 4 yOu To CuM OvEr sO i cAn SpOiL U wiTh aLL oF mY SeXiNeSs* - 24
Come try karma everything deals 😘😙😘 - 18
(Elizabeth, linden airport ewr union 1&9, Newark, North Jersey)
$70 tHe BeSt HaS aRrIvEd So fOrGeT tHe rEsT mY BoDy Is cAlLiNg AnD wAiTiNg FoR yOuR cOmPaNiOnShIp 70 - 19
$60.. TaKe A RiDe On My sLiP aN SlIdE mInE wEtTeR aNd WaY bEtTeR tHaN tHe ReST tRuSt Me $60.. - 19
2 west coast 2''COLLEGE FREAKs ★ ★ F®∈AⓚY°】★【pRetTy FαCє】★【JuiCy HiPs】★【
(North Jersey, incall /outcall newark hotel airport)
2 Big Juicy Booty girl on girl. Toys, lingerie, fetishes& more come get nasty with us - 21
(North Jersey, Haledon)
."♥". 100% LOVE WHAT ii DO ! :)" ."♥". LAST NIGHTS "(::: ReAdY 24/7 !! :::)" . - 20
(---> NEWARK AIRPORT iiN/OUT <----)
Redhead tattoo party vixen is back with her bestfriend veronica njs finest barbi dolls#1vixen - 24
(North Jersey, rt 3 area)
💎💃 real pic 👙 customer appreciation day 70 incall 140 outcall 👀 lastnite in town 5103251141 - 22
(North Jersey, Newark ~ East Orange ~ Jersey City)
New pics 150 special BRAND NEW to BP blonde BOMBshell you can put ur honey on this bunny - 20
(North Jersey, secaucus NJ /Harmon Meadows off route 3)
:*: ( MaKiNg ) :*: :*: (ALL YouR FaNTaSiEs ) *: ( A ) :*: ( REaLiTy ) :*: iM REAL :&: AvaiiLaBlE - 19
([=[* NEWARK AIRPORT *]=] in & out)
☎ GOOD KISSES☎☎( ♥☎ ♥☎♥ )☎G☎F☎// 1000% ME☎☎ ☎ ( ♥☎♥AVAiLABLE NOW♥☎♥ ))☎☎☎ - 25
(South Jersey, out 2 u only)
Come try karma everything deals 😘😙😘 - 18
(Elizabeth, linden airport ewr union 1&9, Newark, North Jersey)
'COLLEGE FREAKs ★ ★ F®∈AⓚY°】★【pRetTy FαCє】★【JuiCy HiPs】★incall special. 120hr/80hhr - 20
(North Jersey, in or outcall/ incall newark hotel)
😍Cali's EXOTIC Dominican PRINCESS👸 Juicy Lips 👄 Tasty Body 👅 💦 PEARL 💦💦👅 Bubble Butt😩😍😘 - 22
(North Jersey, Jersey City/Newport/ Hoboken)
{C} U {F } {R}{i }{D } {A} {Y} SoRRY will BE back FRIDAY XOXO BOOK FOR Appiontment - 22
Sun 26 Jan
two days only ❤️♥️ camila the best and most beautiful in the area ❤️♥️ two days only ❤️ (561) 668-5582 extras
two days only ❤️♥️ camila the best and most beautiful in the area ❤️♥️ two days only ❤️ (561) 668-5582 extras
two days only ❤️♥️ camila the best and most beautiful in the area ❤️♥️ two days only ❤️ (561) 668-5582 extras
two days only ❤️♥️ camila the best and most beautiful in the area ❤️♥️ two days only ❤️ (561) 668-5582 extras
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
♥ {KinKy} ___{Exotic}___ CoLLeGe {{PLaYMaTe}} ♥ ---> Very Slippery
(North Jersey, upscale newark airport/elizabeth incall)
$ 70 °L°_°E°_°T° _ °M°E°_ °B °_°L°_° O° _°W° ____ °Y°_°O °_°U °_°R ° ____ ° M°_ °I° _°N°_D $ 70 - 19
$70 tHe BeSt HaS aRrIvEd So fOrGeT tHe rEsT mY BoDy Is cAlLiNg AnD wAiTiNg FoR yOuR cOmPaNiOnShIp 70 - 19
Redhead tattoo party vixen is back with her bestfriend veronica njs finest barbi dolls#1vixen - 24
(North Jersey, rt 3 area)
``````` `$$$````` `````Two Sexy ladies for u 2 Enjoy! Great Specials - 22
(North Jersey, Newark airport area)
Sat 11 Jan
{C} U {F } {R}{i }{D } {A} {Y} SoRRY will BE back FRIDAY XOXO BOOK FOR Appiontment - 22
Vivian Vixen is the one you need! Call me @ *82-609-924-9691 - 25
(North Jersey, Maple S, Cam Cou. Out 2 U all of Jersey)
AvALiiAblE NoW !! Th marRiiEd MaN B§T FrIeNd »-★-» ¥uMM¥ *RiCaN *»-★-» §PCIÅL§ - 20
(:::::: NoRtH BerGeN ::::: iin/outCaLLs)
♡♡Its Yara from the Middle East l♡♡♥Ready to party and have Fun♥♥!! outcalls only!! - 23
(North Jersey, north Jersey outcalls)
(NeW)•★• GoReGoUs •★• Italian *SpaNisH •★• PLaYmATe •I am a SinFuL AnGeL - 23
📍60$ Specials Wit Chyna📍💋 - 18
(Elizabeth, ewr airport 1&9 linden hillside bayonne, Newark, North Jersey)
Fri 10 Jan
💚💋💚💋💚💋Great Spcl* Hottest IN Town 💞💖 Real pics No Bait and switch 💖💞 Great Menu & in/out calls💚💋💚💋 - 21
(North Jersey, Secuacus, Edison, Newark, New York)
INCALL Available Now! DrinKS! Candles! GORGeous BLonde CaraMel KNockOUT NUDE /lingerie* Full Massage - 20
Jasszy💋🎀 || (💲80 ) Hh Quickk CarFunn🚘🚘 SPECIAL Right NOW❗️❗️❗️LIMITED Time Only🕐🕣⏳⏳ - 20
(EAST ORANGE area ..., Newark, North Jersey)
😍Cali's EXOTIC Dominican PRINCESS👸 Juicy Lips 👄 Tasty Body 👅 💦 PEARL 💦💦👅 Bubble Butt😩😍😘 - 22
(North Jersey, Jersey City/Newport/ Hoboken)
♡♡Its Melissa Im new in town ♡♡♥Ready to party and have Fun♥♥!! Outcalls only!! - 23
(Hoboken / Union City, Jersey City, Newark, north jersey, Paterson)
NeW & ÕÕH, IM n@sty, ★ !! u'll lov !T___ J LLO Dont §hak£ L!ke That |(BIG JUiCY BOOTY) - 24
(North Jersey, OUTCALL IM BACK BOYS!!!)
((look whos back)) (¯`'.¸° WOW=A MUST SEE ||= CLICK HERE °° .¸°¯`) ((bEsT g*F*e)) - 22
☎ GOOD KISSES☎☎( ♥☎ ♥☎♥ )☎G☎F☎// 1000% ME☎☎ ☎ ( ♥☎♥AVAiLABLE NOW♥☎♥ ))☎☎☎ - 25
(South Jersey, out 2 u only)
Great Rates! DrinKS! Candles! GORGeous & BLonde. BuSTY CaraMel KNockOUT NUDE /Lingerie* Full Massage - 20
2'''COLLEGE FREAKs ★ ★ F®∈AⓚY°】★【pRetTy FαCє】★【JuiCy HiPs】★ - 20
(North Jersey, privatehotel incall. near newark airport)
*(( 100% Perfect Pick ))* ((SexXy * ClaSSy)) & ((Always The Best)) BuStY ItaliAn & DuTchPlaymate. . - 24
(Newark airport/ elizabeth)
."♥". 100% LOVE WHAT ii DO ! :)" ."♥". LAST NIGHTS "(::: ReAdY 24/7 !! :::)" . - 20
(---> NEWARK AIRPORT iiN/OUT <----)
Thu 09 Jan
^^^^^^^^ Sensual **** Seductive**** Specials ***** Specials^^^^ - 24
(North Jersey, Irvington incalls our out)
(NeW)•★• GoReGoUs •★• Italian *SpaNisH •★• PLaYmATe •I am a SinFuL AnGeL - 23
💎💃 real pic 👙 customer appreciation day 70 incall 140 outcall 👀 lastnite in town 5103251141 - 22
(North Jersey, Newark ~ East Orange ~ Jersey City)
$60 BrAnD sPaNkIn NeW $60 EbOnY gOdDeSs WiTh A pOrN sTaR tWiSt CoMe AnD sPaNk Me BrAnD sPaNkIn NeW60 - 19
$50 CAUTION!! $50 CONTENTS will get yoU *PULL* **IT OUT** **RIGHT* *NOW*$50 - 19
2 ""'COLLEGE FREAKs ★ ★ F®∈AⓚY°】★【pRetTy FαCє】★【JuiCy HiPs】★incall special. 120hr/80hhr - 20
(North Jersey, incall /outcall newark hotel)