Sun 26 Jan
upscale charming beauty with a passionate desire to fulfill all your needs and more ! party friendly . be yourself with me . always available . 24/7
(Essex county Incall /outcall)
Thu 09 Jan
]:::.... ExOTiC NeW LaTiNa ....:::[ ReAdY tO PLaY ]:::.... NiCe & FrEaKy ....:::[ - 20
(Xx SeCaUcUs xX)
Mon 06 Jan
♥---((( NeW )))--- ♥ P_e_R_f_E_c_T ♥ ---((( LaTiNa )))--- ♥ P_L_a_Y_m_a_T_e - 20
(Xx SeCaUcUs xX)